Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Inspiration: A Poem

God Can Use You

You think that God can’t use you because your life’s a mess,
God made you with potential; God wants your very best.

It’s not how good or bad you are that brings the message to light,
It’s the fact that you’ve been changed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Abraham and Sarah were too old, but together a child was conceived. 
Noah built a boat although the rain he did not see.

Rehab was a prostitute, Jacob was a liar, Esau lost his inheritance as to Jacob’s desire.

Leah wasn’t beautiful, Joseph was abused, Joseph was even sold, his brothers were very cruel.

Moses ran from Egypt because he killed a man, Moses saw a burning bush, and history began.

Samson with his long hair, and his love for women, was given super strength to conquer those against him.

David was a boy, who then became a king.
David had an affair, then had to face his sin.

David lied and murdered, he killed an innocent man.
How can a man of God do such a thing like that?!

Jonah ran from God, but could not find a place to hide, Naomi was a widow and Gideon was too scared to try.

Job went bankrupt, lost everything he had, never once blaming God, even though his heart was sad.

John the Baptist, now there was a sight,
a man eating bugs guiding people to the light.

The Samaritan woman was divorced many times, and Peter the Rock, denied Jesus three times.

The disciples fell asleep when they were asked to pray, Zaccheus was too small… Jesus ate with him that day.

Martha worried about everything, Thomas was full of doubt, Paul persecuted Christians, but the hard way he found out…

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you might have done. With Jesus Christ our Savior, the impossible can be done.

The blind will see—the deaf will hear. The lame will walk—and none will fear. The dumb will speak—the sick will be healed. The dead will live—when Jesus is near.

You might think that God can’t use you because your life’s a mess
God made you with potential; God wants your very best.

It’s not how good or bad you are that brings the message to light
It’s the fact that you’ve been changed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

So, the next time you feel that God just has no use for you, remember…
God is love He sent His Son to die for you.

Written by: Lisa A. G. Bowman

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"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true,and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." PhilIppians 4:8

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