Friday, January 25, 2013

Diary Entry 0001

Thursday January 10, 2013

This may sound strange, especially because I am a teenage girl who is supposed to have a lot on her mind: In the fifteen years of my life, I have yet to keep a successful diary. Sure, I have had tons of cute little journals in which I've written a few sporadic entries - but where are they now? After re-reading "Anne Frank: The Diary of A Young Girl" I felt somewhat inspired to begin dairy writing again. This spiral bound notebook is nothing fancy or formal; it's just a place for me to write everyday happenings, my thoughts and misc. ramblings.

Today was a good day. I woke up at 9:45-ish and began homeschooling shortly after. In English I wrote an expository essay with the theme "Helpers For A Greater Cause." It shed light on the contributions women made during the American Revolution. That was definitely fun and I learned so much!

For now I"ll say good-bye but I hope to keep this dairy- writing thing going.

Until later entries,
Kianna Rose

The above entry is an actual entry that I wrote in my diary. I've never been very consistent in writing but I hope that I can successfully stay on track with this one. Ever so often, I want to share with you all snippets of my diary entries and I give you permission to hold me accountable. (Feel free to remind me to write and blog those entries!)


  1. Yes! I'm on the many unfinished diary boat! Trying to actually finish one... lets see how that goes.

  2. I am the exact same way. Trying to complete one now. Love Anne Frank. :) She inspired me too.

  3. I used to be that way! My "diaries" were the worst, I would only remember to write when something REALLY bad happened. Eventually I stopped doing that and started writing daily, it's one of my favorite things now!


"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true,and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." PhilIppians 4:8

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a lovely note. I am really glad that your here.

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